Från och med mars 2016 stärker Martin vårt utvecklingsteam med sin kunskap inom webbdesign och programmering. Han utvecklade sin första webbsajt vid 12 års ålder och sedan dess har han utvecklat sin passion för design & kod.
"Looking back at it, I wonder how I managed to work in such ugly code. Now I try to follow the KISS principle in all my design and code, and it has proven to work every time, keep it simple.
So to cut it short I'd say I'm a full stack developer and designer basically, while I also setup and configure servers for different usages. I mostly work with HTML, CSS and JS (a lot of jQuery involved), and often tend to run on a flat file php framework called Kirby.
What I really love about web development and design is all the vast amount different methods you can apply to create new stuff with, you'll never run out of ideas, there's so much difference out there, that a creative mind can thrive in. I'd say my passion lies with web development and design, and following new web standards and try to push new standards forward."
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